Electric back and neck massager

Electric back and neck massager - a device with which you can independently conduct massages. Its regular use will help reduce the load on the spine, get rid of muscle spasms, increase blood circulation and improve the functioning of the locomotor system.

 Back massager

Principle of action and effect of use

Devices may have a different design, but they have one principle of operation. The massager consists of an engine and operating elements: percussion mechanisms or rollers, which, in contact with the skin, perform vibrating, tapping or rotating movements. Such stimulation has a positive effect on the body: blood circulation in the treatedthe zone improves noticeably, muscles relax, spasms and pain stop. Also, most appliances struggle with salt deposition in the spine.

Regular use of the device helps to strengthen the immune system, improves overall health, allows you to relax and gain psychological comfort.

 Mini massager

Types and design of devices

Choose a massager should be, focusing on their own needs - which areas need a regular massage.

Manual Electric Massager

This is the simplest and most affordable device, the body of which consists of plastic. Power is supplied from the network or from the batteries. This device is designed for self-massage, has a convenient design that allows you to process your back and neck without any help. Depending on the model, it can have different nozzles that increase functionality, different speeds of work, types and intensity of massage effect. Some hand roller massagers are equipped infrared emitterwhich helps eliminate edema by strengthening the lymph flow.

The disadvantage is that during the procedure, hands may get tired, since the device must be kept on weight and sent to areas of the body that require treatment independently.

 Hand massager

Massager Pillow

It can be used for massage the neck, and for the entire back. The profound effect that the device has on the muscles is ensured by the presence of massage rollers, which rotate in all directions during the session and provide these muscles with a high-quality workout. The presence of infrared radiation helps to relax and relieve cramps. The action of the massager of this type is aimed at general relaxation body and muscle.

It has several modes of operation (vibration, mixed).

 Massage pillow


The electric device, made in the form of a scarf, is outside covered with a soft, warm cloth that provides comfort during the procedure. The massager in the switched-on state practically does not emit noise. Muscles under the influence of vibratory movements relax, warm up, and warm fabric has a warming effect. Overall well-being improves. The advantage of this device - versatility. It can be used not only for the neck, but also for the shoulders, waist, joints. Available modes of operation:

  • heating;
  • patting massage;
  • vibration;
  • infrared radiation.

A session with the use of a massager in the form of a collar should not last more than 40 minutes.

 Collar Massager

Cape Massager

A device designed for use in the home or in the car, most often made of genuine or artificial leather or fabric. The design is a cape on a chair, in the entire working surface of which rollers of various shapes are embedded. Revolving, they have a massage effect on the muscles, help to relax, and return to work.

Depending on the model, they can have a different intensity of work, perform a local massage. The control of such a device is carried out using the remote control.

 Massage cape

Massager pack

The electric massager has the shape of a backpack, for a massage you need to put it on your back. Massage can be combined with a walk, it is perfect for people who prefer active lifestyle. To get a good result, you need to adjust the device for yourself - adjust the straps so that the massager is fully seated against the back surface. Power is provided by the battery.

The control of such a device can be carried out remotely, using the remote control for this.

 Backpack massager

Indications for use

Electric massagers designed for the neck and back are recommended when:

  • constant pain, tiredness and tension in the muscles;
  • there are slight spinal deformities;
  • muscle tone is weakened.

It will benefit people professionally involved in sports, as well as leading a sedentary or, on the contrary, a very active lifestyle, with frequent overloads.


Before applying the electric mass should consult a doctor.

It is necessary to refuse its use, if are available:

  • various skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs or venereal diseases in the acute stage;
  • heart, blood or vascular problems;
  • implants in the bones;
  • complex spinal pathologies (spinal dislocations, fractures, intervertebral hernia);
  • pacemakers;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fever

With caution and only after consulting a doctor, you can use an electric massager for your back on certain parts of the spine in the presence of fibroids or uterine cysts.

With the help of the massager, you can significantly improve overall health and improve muscle tone, but the device should be used strictly for its intended purpose.It is not recommended to try to fight with excess weight or cellulite with it - you can harm the body.

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