Therapeutic effects of the lamp Bioptron from Zepter

The conversation will be about a unique development from Zepter - the Bioptron lamp, which has become an innovative breakthrough in such a direction of medicine as light therapy.

The advantage of the device lies in the fact that after the procedures no side effects are noticed, and with a properly selected course, the results of the treatment are very substantial. The lamp is shown for regular use, its use ensures the recovery of the whole body, while no burns or sunburn on the body appear.

 Lamp Bioproton

Operating principle

Modern technologies that were used in the manufacture of the device, gave an excellent opportunity to apply the positive properties of light. During operation, deformation of the light flux, its absorption and reflection occurs.Such properties are used in the treatment of certain diseases of the eye, as they have a soft and gentle effect on the human body.

The therapeutic effect is that when exposed to light, cellular energy increases, and microcirculation increases, which is of great importance for the biostimulation of cellular processes. This increases the rate of protein metabolism, which has a positive effect on the production of elastin and collagen. Using the lamp Bioptron accelerates the healing process of various wounds, stitches after surgery and improves skin condition.

 Lamp Zepter Bioptron PRO 1


Indications for use

The use of therapeutic properties of the light flux is shown more than 60 diseases and pathologies. The instructions for use, which is attached to the device, always contain a complete list of them.

Using the device will help with:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • pathologies of male and female genital organs;
  • depressive conditions and other problems of the nervous system;
  • the appearance of allergies in both adults and children;
  • pathologies of the joints and bone system;
  • skin problems, such as ulcers or ulcers;

And this is not a complete list of diseases with which the lamp Bioptron from Zepter is capable of coping.

It is worth noting that the lamp was widely used in many cosmetic procedures. Its use not only helps to get rid of acne, cellulite, acne, but also helps to smooth wrinkles.

 Joint treatment


Conducting light therapy according to the instructions, which is attached to each device, gives the most tangible results when performing long courses. Do not wait for instant improvement after the first procedure. The duration of one session takes only a few minutes, so the treatment does not require a lot of free time. For maximum results, it is recommended to perform sessions. twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Before starting a session, you should clean the surface of the skin that will be exposed to the device, then send a luminous flux at it at an angle of 90 degrees. The distance between the device and the skin should not be less than 10 cm. After all the nuances are observed, you just need to sit down and relax. After the end of the session, the device turns off, and the person returns to daily life.

During the procedures, there may be a feeling of mild discomfort, but do not worry about it - they are completely safe for the body person To avoid not too pleasant sensations, you should close your eyes.

Important! Procedures are not allowed with contact lenses.

 Application in cosmetology


Despite the huge list of advantages of the device, its use is possible not in all cases. There is a clear list of pathologiesin which the use of such therapy is not allowed:

  • blood vessel diseases;
  • cancer and skin pathologies;
  • circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • the presence of transplanted organs;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • kidney and heart disease;
  • endocrine problems;
  • epilepsy.

Sometimes the use of the device is allowed, but it should be used carefully and with the permission of the attending physician. This applies to diseases such as:

  • acute thrombophlebitis - a light beam can cause a clot to break off;
  • Oncology of any nature - the effect of light on mutated cells has not yet been thoroughly studied.

Also, the device is forbidden to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Use of the device if a person uses corticosteroids, cytostatics, immunomodulators will not be effective.

Before you start using the device, you should carefully read the instructions, and for treatment, it is best to consult with your doctor.


Where can one buy

When buying a device you should beware of fakes, as many craftsmen tend to cash in on the famous name Zepter. If you decide to purchase products in the online store, then by all means it is necessary to familiarize with responses and characteristics of the potential seller. You can always buy the device from official dealers of the company. The Bioptron lamp is manufactured only in Switzerland. It is clear that a high-quality device is highly valued, so if products are offered at an incredibly low price, it is worth considering: it is highly likely that this is a fake.

Doctors reviews

The first time after the appearance of the Bioptron lamp on the market, doctors were doubtful about the effectiveness of the device. And very rarely prescribed such courses of light therapy. But today the situation has changed radically. Today, many clinics in the treatment of various diseases use the properties of the device. Positive feedback from the luminaries of world medicine should dispel the latest doubts of skeptics regarding the therapeutic properties of the Bioptron lamp and its effectiveness.

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