Rules of operation and scope of steam sterilizers

Steam sterilizer or autoclave is a special equipment that is used for disinfection and sterilization of objects with water vapor. Consider how to properly use it.

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These professional specific installations were originally created exclusively for medical institutions. But soon the technology was borrowed and introduced into everyday life. Now it is possible to meet not only medical, but also household options of devices. Although they are very different from each other.

 Medical steam sterilizer

Modern autoclave can be equipped special microprocessor, which allows you to monitor all stages of sterilization. Some models even have the ability to create a vacuum inside, so that at the end of the process steam is removed.As a result, any product will be not only sterilized, but also dried. This is true, for example, for the treatment of medical bandages or linen.

 Household version of the autoclave

What to consider when choosing

The device must be selected based on individual requirements. But both professional and household units must meet the following conditions:

  1. Provide ease of loading. Sterilizer steam horizontal is the best option, thanks to the ease of loading.
  2. Have a long operational life. The autoclave must be made exclusively from durable high-quality materials. High-alloy stainless steel is a priority.
  3. To be equipped with built-in steam generator.
  4. Have a thermostat control using a modern microprocessor.
  5. Perform vacuum drying.
  6. Produce the fastest possible heating.
  7. Have more automatic processes that do not require human intervention.
  8. Do air purification from bacteria at the end of the process.

As for the shortcomings, both the tabletop steam sterilizer and the large-size medical have a rather high cost.

 Tabletop autoclave

Practical use

Modern sterilizer steam round horizontal capable of performing a limited range of functions. Basically, it is used for processing dishes for experiments and laboratories, medical instruments, various other materials that must be disinfected, including the processing of canned food.

Most modern sterilizers imply sterilization of canned food in almost any container, even glass, which is particularly capricious due to the need for slow heating and the same cooling.

In order to sterilization of canned food was possible, special hydraulic valves. They are H-shaped chambers that fill up to a certain level with water. In order to maintain optimum pressure, an optimal air or steam inlet is provided.

 Steam sterilizer for canning

Modern devices have special features to adjust the time of sterilization of canned food.

In each model, the main structural component is water chamber. It must be sealed, because it actually boils water and the subsequent formation of steam.Subsequently, steam is supplied to the chamber through special openings.

Operating rules

The medical steam sterilizer is quite simple rules of operation. But to ensure long and efficient operation of the unit, they must be carried out without question.

The order of the sterilization process is as follows:

  1. All that is subject to processing, it is necessary to lay in separate sterilization beeks. If you pack things for dressing, it is best to lay them out in different bixes so that they do not touch when you take them out.
  2. Next, the fixes are placed in a common reservoir, after which the sterilization process begins.
  3. At the end of the process, all these fixes must be sealed, and the sterilization material itself is considered to be disinfected for 3 days.

To work with the device, it is necessary to carefully study all the rules of use and be sure to observe safety precautions.

You need to buy the device only in specialized stores that can provide the buyer with all the necessary documentation.

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