How to distinguish when buying an original iPhone

In today's world, there is a tendency to fake devices, and this is especially true for Apple technology. Everyone wants to buy an iPhone cheaper than it is sold in a store, and fraudsters who fake devices and give out as original ones actively use it. The price tag is significantly less than the original. Fakes are sometimes rough, but sometimes it is quite difficult to distinguish a Chinese replica from the original. Below are tips for teapots, which will help to distinguish the original iPhone from a quality fake.

Method 1

People who have dealt with an iPhone can already in appearance understand that before them is not the original. More differences will be noticeable when you turn on the device. For this reason, buying a smartphone from the hands or in a not very well-known store, you should take with you the person who used Apple products or at least go to the store and twist the original in their hands.

Important! Workmanship, as well as hull materials will already allow to notice the difference. Sometimes the difference may lie in fine details - there may be plastic inserts on the case, even if they are very small, which are not on the original.

Such a way worked well with iPhones 4 and 5 series. It should be understood that this advice is not the only verification option, but for the first acquaintance it will come down. In addition to a visual assessment, it is necessary to check other points. About them will be discussed below.

Method 2

He also refers to the appearance - you can understand the difference by box. It should be carefully examined. The Apple box is always made of thick cardboard with the name of the brand, and on the back there is a sticker with information about the device, which includes the serial number, IMEI and other technical data. If something in the box is in doubt, and there is also no serial and have, then you should be alerted.

 Sticker on box

The second point is the content. In Chinese replicas, sometimes the equipment may be different, most often it is more, it will make the simpleton to bite, because his friends bought an iPhone and a separate glass, cover, and here everything is in the box. Pay attention to the following points.

  1. Apple never not included in the package of protective glass or cover, even the simplest of silicone.
  2. Brand Apple Headphones in white. If the box is a regular vacuum headset, and it is not white, then this is another bell.
  3. Apple can not have a removable battery, support for two SIM cards, microUSB connector or memory card slot.

Of course, this is really meant for those who are far from the technology, but this should be known. The presence of these things will immediately tell you whether the original is in front of you or not.

Method 3

The method is simple and designed to identify a gross fake. Today there are no official devices that will have untranslated paragraphs or inscriptions with hieroglyphs. If the iPhone has such signs from hands, then it is not the original. Another fact - iPhone only works on iOS. There is not and can not be Android.

 Ios on android

A little harder, but a great way to check the originality of the device - check the serial number on the official website.

  1. To check you need to enter the settings menu and see the serial number in the item about the device.
     Serial numbers
  2. Further, it is required to verify it with what is indicated on the box, as well as remove the SIM card tray. Apple has the serial number on it.
  3. If all numbers are the same, then you need to enter it on the site.
     Check iPhone
  4. If information about the model, warranty period and other useful information appears, then the original is in the user's hands. Otherwise, the text will be written that this serial number does not apply to Apple technology.

Important! This way you can check any iPhone, even very old one. To forge the serial number of Apple technology is impossible, this method is 100%.

Method 4

In the original device is required AppStore will be installed. This is a company store Apple, and if it is not on the device, then in the hands of not a device from Apple. If you are in doubt whether this is an AppStore, in the search bar, enter the name of one of the branded applications - KeyNote, GarageBand. If the device does not find them, then it is a fake.

Method 5

Sync new device with iTunes also come out only if the device is real. A fake will simply not be able to connect to this Apple system.


What is a restored iPhone

Relatively recently in the shops of digital devices began to offer iPhones with a slightly different price tag. That is, there are two models of iPhone 5s on display, but their price is slightly different. In this case, one device marked CPO. In the people, this phenomenon was called "as new", and among the sellers - the restored iPhone. What does it mean?

 iPhone 5s

Apple has a policy not to repair the device under warranty. That is, in the case of a factory defect, the user's mobile device is taken away from the user during the warranty period, and a similar device is issued in return. At the same time, the old phone leaves for the Apple plant, and there they change a broken node, completely reset the system to zero, delete the information about the previous owner, and also change the case and equipment if they have defects. Next, the device is packaged and again sent for sale with a slightly reduced price tag.

Important! Do not think that the buyer shoved a used device. This is to some extent true, but in fact only a part of the stuffing remained in the device from the old device, for example, a motherboard or a Wi-Fi module. Before a new sale, they are thoroughly tested for performance.

Should I buy a restored iPhone - definitely, yes. There are no pitfalls here, the device will not be scratched or somehow give out the fact that it is no longer new. The only real difference between the restored device and the original one is the warranty.. If a new device is changed in case of a breakdown, then the rebuilt one will still be repaired and returned to the owner. It is worth noting that the restored devices do not break more often than new ones. That is, again - no cheating.

How to distinguish the restored iPhone from the new

Check whether the restored iPhone or not is quite simple - different boxes. “Like new” iPhone is sold in a white box with an inscription of a model and a mandatory CPO mark, or on the reverse side after the model name, look for the letters RFB. Both of these inscriptions say that this is the officially restored iPhone. The second way - the serial number of the restored and officially certified Apple iPhone always starts with 5.


Apple's refurbished equipment, apart from the box and warranty, is no different from the original. If you enter the serial number on the website specified above, the information, the warranty period, will appear, and the device will be “as new”. This, by the way, is a way to make sure that the device is restored at the Apple plant, and not by the craftsmen from the gate. The device will be determined on the website and in iTunes. Recycled iPhone, bought in the store, will always be guaranteed.If for some reason the Apple site says that the warranty is over, then there is clearly something wrong, and you need to contact the store for clarification.

Tip! No need to believe the words that this is a restored device, and on the official website there is no guarantee on it, but all will be repaired by check. This is a lie.
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