Open dishwasher - universal model for every family

Dishwasher is a necessary attribute of a modern large family. A variety of choices can satisfy the tastes and wishes of all consumers without exception.Dishwasher with open panel is a worthy choice. Let's try to figure out why.

What are dishwashers

In general, dishwashers can be divided into two types. The first is detachedunits, the so-called "solo". It was with them that the process of optimizing and automating housekeeping began at the time. The second category is embedded modelswhich, in turn, can either completely merge with the interior of the kitchen and be invisible to the eye, or open with a glimpse of some of their parts, most often, an open panel.

 Open dishwasher

The control panel is an important component.

The control panel is one of the most functional elements of the dishwasher. In the open version, it is located on the side of the door, it allows you to monitor all the important processes occurring in the "dishwasher" at the time of its operation. In particular, at any time you can see information about the time of the completion of the dishwashing program. Fully embedded options, unfortunately, are not possible.

Control option by type of use can be mechanical or electronic. On the mechanical model there are special handles through which the necessary parameters of the machine are set. In dishwashers with electronic open panel, such functions are set through the choice of certain programs.

Using the electronic control option, you can set, for example, the time of delayed start of the machine and even estimate the weight and degree of contamination of the dishes.

 Electronic control option

Agree, having the ability to use such functions, you can significantly save both time and resources. The electronic control option is certainly more progressive, however, and less reliable in terms of the continuity of the operation process.This is the so-called reverse side of technical progress, affecting not only the convenience of certain processes of operation, but also their reliability.

Of course, everyone has the right to choose the option of "home friend", with whom you can live a long and happy life without worrying about dirty dishes, it remains only to recall the most important advantages of the model "dishwasher" with an open panel.

The advantages of models with an open panel

  1. Compactness.
  2. The harmony of design.
  3. Suitable for lovers of beauty home appliances.
  4. Acceptable price.
  5. The ability to monitor the processes occurring during operation.

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