Nuances of using a double needle for a sewing machine

To simplify and speed up the sewing process on a sewing machine, many extras are available. One of them is a double needle. This is a special removable component for the machine, which contains two needles at once and allows you to perform two parallel lines that are displayed on the front side. And from the seamy side it turns out a zigzag beautiful strip. As a result, you can get a beautiful elastic seam, which is often used when processing the bottom of products. Buying this tool is a great alternative for owners of machines without overlock. We will understand how to sew properly on a sewing machine with the use of the “double needle” tool.

 Double needle

Features of the work process

First, it should be noted that not every machine is designed to use such a model tool. It is important that the device can perform the seam zigzag.

Some modern devices were originally designed for its installation, and already in their design they have two racks for working threads.

When choosing such a tool, it is necessary to provide for the design moments of the device itself, since the gap between the needles should not exceed the width of the hole for them. In order not to manually measure the distance, you can see the instruction where indicated maximum possible zigzag width. This parameter will be decisive in the purchase.

Thus, you can highlight the main points, without which the use of a double needle is impossible:

  • the device provides for the implementation of the seam "zigzag";
  • the gap must not exceed the maximum possible zigzag stitch width;
  • type of refueling - front.

Separately worth staying at features of threading. When performing it, it is important not to stretch the upper working threads too tight, since the only lower thread is fastened simultaneously by the two upper threads.Improper tension can lead to rupture.

 Double needle

Types of needles

The intended use of double needles can be divided into the following groups:

  • universal devices that are suitable for any tissue;
  • jeans - such model is intended for use when sewing dense fabrics, for example, jeans;
  • super stretch used when sewing knitwear, its feature is a rounded tip that doesn’t pierce like sewed, and gently pushes the thread.

 Types of needles

The numbers of such needles have standard numbering. When marking, two digits are indicated by a fraction: the first one denotes the diameter, and the second one between them.


The installation of such a device does not technically differ from the placement of a traditional needle. It should be remembered that the saw should be located behind, and the round side to look at the seamstress. It is best if each coil has separate holder, but if not, then you can do as shown in the image.


When threading the thread, the action is no different from ordinary sewing. Simply, when passing through each hole and the thread guide holder, you should do this for two threads at once.But now it will be necessary to divide the threads before the last thread guides, and then to insert the double fixture into the ears. Some models have only one lower thread guide. In this case, the left thread is passed through it, and the right one goes next to it and goes directly into the eyelet.

When working, it is necessary to monitor the position of the sewing mode switch. Double needle is used exclusively in the straight stitch mode. If you set a seam with an offset, for example, a zigzag, then the needle will simply break on the plate.

It is best to place the spools of thread in such a way that one unwinds in the clockwise direction, and the second is against. This will protect against tangling of threads during operation. Also, they will not be confused by the use of the minimum speed.

Application options

Many people think that the use of the considered device is limited only by the line for trimming and hemming, which implies two straight lines running in parallel. But this is far from the case. Thanks to this tool and the capabilities of the sewing machine itself, you can perform a huge number of not only decorative, but also useful seams.

Decorative designs and finishes

If the machine involves the execution of decorative seams, then you can always try the original lines for decoration, which will look beautiful, especially if made in different colors. The instrument in question is no less useful when embroidering, because it allows you to immediately embroider identical patterns parallel to each other.

Sew on tape

It is very convenient to use a similar device to sew a band. To do this, you need to choose a model that is already a bit of the finishing tape itself. Thanks to the even parallel double seam, the braid will lie beautifully and evenly.

Build with elastic

Also much easier to assemble the fabric when using this seam for elastic. A thin rubber band should be wound onto the bobbin of the machine, and threads suitable for the material should be used as the working thread. Now you can start sewing. It is best when performing such an assembly to install a pitch of 2-2.5 mm. Due to the fact that the gum is placed in the shuttle mechanism, you get a uniform and beautiful assembly on the material.


Embossed tucks

Such decorative patterns can also be made using the instrument in question. True, this requires a special foot for pinching. It differs from the standard in that it has special grooves on the sole, which raise the material during the work. When such a line is executed, the number of reliefs on the foot and their depth will influence the pattern. The larger they are, the more prominent the material will be.

It is worth remembering that the thread tension regulator should be set to maximum. At the same time, the material consumption during the design of the specified pattern will increase significantly.

It should be understood that the beauty of the relief of the entire pattern will depend on the accuracy of the first tuck. Such reliefs can be used as a simple decor or for a neat design of the recesses.

 Embossed tucks

Reliefs with a cord

To perform such an operation should take foot for making embossed tuck or sewing beads. In the place where the cord will be located, it is worth holding the line with chalk or a fading marker. Cord is pinned from the purl. Then the material of the product is placed under the foot so that the cord is between the needles. Now you can start sewing.

Decorative hem

The double needle for the sewing machine is ideally suited for hemming knitwear.When performing such an operation, it is best to use foot for zigzag or satin stitch. Parallel lines are laid from the front side, while it is worthwhile to leave a small edge free, which will subsequently be cut off near the very edge of the completed line.

 Decorative hem

Thus, a seamstress, whose machine supports the possibility of using a double needle, must necessarily have such a component in his arsenal.

Comments: 1
Continuing the theme:

Ranking of the best sewing machines. Comparison of their main characteristics in order to identify strengths and weaknesses. Overview of prices and features of the models presented.

Comments: 1
olya / 07/14/2018 at 07:08

In my case, in order to ensure uniform supply of the upper threads, I had to wind them on identical bobbins and place them on the same coil rod, before that the machine looped the bottom, tore the threads and broke the needle.


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