How to clean a washing machine from scale

Scale significantly reduces the service life of household appliances. Therefore, it is extremely important for the housewives to know how to quickly and efficiently descale their washing machine, and what measures to take to prevent its occurrence in the future.

Causes of scaling

Scum - the problem of many household devices, and not just various washing machines. Steam boilers, irons, kettles, and even some electric fireplaces collide with it. It is formed on those parts where the evaporation of water or its heating. That is, the main element that is scaled in the washing machine is the automatic Heating element (stands for tubular electric heater). Breakage TENA - the main trouble, because of which unit stops heating water and begins to wash in cool water.

The occurrence of scale in the presence of various salts in water, rust, and other impurities.

 Scale on Heater

The dirtier and harder the water and the more salt in its composition, the faster scale is formed on the heating element.

When the salt is heated, its particles are divided into carbon dioxide and solid sediment deposited on the heating elements. Any layer of scale, even very thin, prevents heating, and even if the machine is not cleaned for years, you will have to wash it only in cool water. One more minus - increasing power consumption. The main reason is that scum has poor thermal conductivity.

So how do you descale a washing machine? How to remove this attack? Is there a way to remove scale independently, without the help of experts? How to clean the washing machine machine? There are answers, today we will look at some of them.

Method one - mechanical

How to clean the washing machine from scale? This question is asked by any user whose machine has stopped heating water. Now we look at the most difficult of ways - mechanical.To do this, remove the heater and clean the scraper from the raid. This method is not suitable for everyone, because such purification is quite laborious, and can damage the heating element.

Method Two - Citric Acid

This is an excellent inexpensive descaler. Descaling Dummies and limonka irons are quite a banal process that everyone has done at least once. Why not use the same tool to remove scale from the machine?

How does cleaning a washing machine from limescale and scum using ordinary lemon? An aggregate with a capacity of up to 4 kg of linen will need about 60 grams of citric acid to cleanse. Often it is sold in stores in bags, the weight of each - no more than 20 grams. That is, we need to take a minimum three bags. If you have large amounts of unpacked acid, then it can be measured with spoons: in one tablespoon there is just about one bag, that is, 20 grams.

 Descaling Citric Acid

After the required amount of powder has been purchased and prepared, we will begin the cleaning:

  1. We pour most of the funds into the powder container, the rest into the drum itself.
  2. If the scale is small, and the machine is new, then choose any full washing mode, for example, cotton 60. But if you had to wash frequently and at rather high temperatures (under such conditions scale forms more quickly), and for a few years already, use cotton 90 to clean the machine.
  3. Next, press the start button and wait for the result.

If the water is not too hard, you can thus clean the scum in a washing machine every three or four months. If the quality leaves much to be desired, it is better to clean the device once a month.

The advantages of this method of removing scale in washing machines:

  1. Very simple and incredibly cheap. Calling the master, buying special tools will cost much more. Citric acid is a very good antiscale for washing machines.
  2. Citric acid in such small quantities bears no harm. Special means, which are added during each wash, can remain on clothes.
  3. Lemon perfectly copes even with the largest amount of scale. It straightens with scum no worse than special chemicals, as it is one of the carboxylic acids that react when in contact with salts and metals.

What you need to fear when working with citric acid:

  1. Do not use it more than the required rate.
  2. No need to turn on the machine above the recommended temperature (90 degrees).

The third method is acetic acid

According to users, clean the washing machine from layers of scale can and with acetic acid. This option is less popular and rarely used by people. But acetic acid is also very effective and will help get rid of scale. It is much more aggressive than lemon, so you need to use it very carefully. After all, you do not want to lose some rubber parts in their washing machines?

Removal with vinegar in a washing machine scale:

  1. Be sure to remove all things from the drum before the procedure, otherwise they may deteriorate.
  2. Pour half a glass of 9% vinegar into the powder compartment. Do not forget to wear gloves, as the product can irritate the skin of the hands.
  3. Run the machine. Washing mode should be the longest, and the temperature - high.
  4. After half an hour, click on the pause, after an hour or one and a half - start again.
  5. After washing is over, wipe the drum and cuff with water. Also pay attention to the container for the powder, because it was in him that we poured vinegar.
  6. At the very end, run a short wash to remove the remnants of vinegar from the machine.

The advantages of this method are similar to the advantages of cleaning with citric acid. It is inexpensive, can be used independently, copes with the most serious pollution, even fights mold. Vinegar, excellent cleaning machine and descaling, is in every home.

However, this method has a minus: it is an unpleasant smell, because of which you have to run an extra wash.

Method Four - special tools from different companies

To use or not the above methods - you decide. Incorrect amount of acid or vinegar can harm a typewriter. Doubters can choose any special descaler.

On the market you can find substances produced by manufacturers of machines. There are such a Candy, Electrolux, Bosch and many others. It is not always possible to buy such a tool, in this case, you can take something from the widely represented on our shelves. For example, "Antinakipin" or "Calgon, By Filtero, Five Plus or Frau Schmidt.


Before use, carefully read the instructions on the back of the package.After all, each tool has its own characteristics. This will help to properly clean the washing machine.

How to protect against scale

Scale is very dangerous. If it is not removed in time, then it is likely that TEN will have to change to a new. To avoid this, you can take a number of preventive actions:

  • The first method of protection is not suitable for everyone. When installing the machine, it is necessary to install a special device on the hose that provides water supply, which prevents the formation of scale at high temperatures.
  • The second (chemical) is available to everyone. Its essence is that with each use of the unit in a special tray is added a tool that prevents the formation of scale. He has his drawbacks - the high cost and the ability to spoil some things. Also this way is not suitable for mothers of small children. After all, chemistry in large quantities is not very useful to anyone, but it is also dangerous for children.

It is worth knowing that in some washing powders such a cleaning agent is already included. Additionally, it is not worth using it.

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