You bought a steam cleaner: how to use it?

A steam cleaner is a device designed to clean various surfaces that can withstand the pressure and degree of steam. In principle, it can wash almost any contaminated surface that is not “afraid” of kinetic and thermal energy. Thus it turns out to clean all surfaces in the room as quickly and efficiently. Consider how to properly use a steam cleaner, what it is for and how to treat them floor coverings.

How does it work

The steam cleaner itself consists of a water tank, a nozzle, a hose, and a heating element. It may have different modifications and forms, but the essence remains the same.

Before you begin to wash some surface, be sure to study instruction to use. Naturally, in most cases it is the same, but there are some differences. As soon as it is turned on, the water begins to boil and turn into a gaseous state. Then they can be used to clean contaminated surfaces.

 Steam cleaner with nozzles

Virtually any device works silently, and has no harmful features, if you do not direct it to yourself and do not pour liquid into the container that is not intended for this.

Preparation for work as a steam cleaner

First you need to get acquainted with the device. It is quite simple to use, regardless of where it is used. Before you start working, you need to prepare it:

  1. Deal with how it functions.
  2. Prepare the surface, freeing it from unnecessary items.
  3. To fill the device with the washing liquid and to include.

Steam cleaner has additional nozzles - in order that he could cope with various types of pollution.

Floor cleaning

It is not recommended to clean the parquet with the help of this unit, since there is a high risk that the flooring may crack due to dampness.As for the laminate, it can be cleaned with a steam cleaner, but for this it is necessary that a special floor napkin be included in the set. It is very easy to wash the laminate in this way, and cleaning is similar to that obtained by cleaning with a mop, but there are no stains on the floor.

 Floor cleaning

Before starting work, you must thoroughly sweep the floor or vacuum it. Next, you need to make quick movements with a brush on the instrument laminate, giving steam. In this way, you can wash not only the laminate, but also any other flooring that is not "afraid" of moisture.

Bathroom cleaning

With the help of a steam cleaner, you can clean up any dirt and even get rid of scale. Easily it is possible to wash off all the dirt in the shower, bathtub or plumbing. This is made possible by the high degree of steam. They manage to remove up to 70% of bacteria.

The steam cleaner becomes indispensable if there are children in the room. It will help to disinfect the apartment and remove mold, scum, dirt.

Often, you can cope with such problems only if you have a brush and a lot of “chemistry” at hand, and you have to wash them for a long time, having spent a lot of time and effort on it.Steam cleaner also solves the problem of pollution quickly and efficiently.

 Bathroom cleaning

Some tips:

  • With the help of a special napkin, they remove limestone deposits and scale from the surface of the shower cabin. Similarly, it is necessary to wash the tile and sink.
  • In the event that the pollution is not amenable to cleaning, you can try to put on a brush nozzle and direct the steam to a heavily soiled area.
  • Scale must be cleaned with a point spray.

Cleaning the kitchen

It is necessary to wash the kitchen on the same principle as the bathroom. There are no fundamental differences when cleaning scale and fat. In addition, the steam cleaner is also used for the processing of kitchen furniture. They can be processed any hard material, whether it is ceramics, tile, glass, etc.

Thanks to a special nozzle, it is possible to clean the stove and the cooking surface without scratching or other damage. Under the action of steam fat is easily removed, but at the same time it will gradually be absorbed into the napkin, so you need to change it periodically.

At the end of the cleaning, you can additionally wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth or polish some parts.

 Cleaning the sink with a steam cleaner

Home care plants

This is incredible, but with the help of a steam cleaner you can even take care of indoor plants! This is done as follows. The device must be kept at a distance of 30-40 cm from the plant and doused with steam, then immediately wipe with a napkin. This should be done very carefully so as not to harm the flowers.

In addition, they can be used for the care of suede clothing and footwear. Steam copes with pollution.


The advantages of the steam cleaner are visible to the naked eye:

  1. It can be used on virtually any surface. Under the action of steam, scale and other complex contaminants are effectively removed, while saving time and effort.
  2. They can quickly wash the floor, in particular, laminate (for parquet it is not suitable).
  3. It copes well with outdated dirt and grease in the kitchen.
  4. You can forever say goodbye to a large number of household chemicals.
  5. Very comfortable when washing windows.
  6. Kills unpleasant odors.
  7. The possibility of steaming things, including suede.
  8. Ease and ease of use.
  9. The device works almost silently.

 Caring for a houseplant with a steam cleaner


In addition to the advantages, the steam cleaner has several negative aspects:

  1. They are not recommended to perform the treatment of wooden flooring, in particular laminate, which has waxed joints. It is also necessary to bypass the treatment of silicone joints, as they can deteriorate.
  2. Still, some pollution, such as scum, you need a long time to process.
  3. If there is a very strong patina, you will need acetic solution, which is pre-applied to the surface.
  4. The first time cleaning a steam cleaner can take a long time, due to lack of experience with it.
  5. They will not be able to remove debris from carpets, but only to refresh them.
  6. When cleaning the laminate, you still have to use a rag, as steam just softens the dirt, but does not remove it.

Anyway, there are much more positive moments and therefore it is still convenient and effective to use the device. Now you know why you need a steam cleaner in the house.

A vivid example of a steam cleaner from one of the top manufacturers is shown in the video.

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