Reasons why a blender might not work

Nowadays there is no shortage of auxiliary equipment for cooking. One of the indispensable kitchen assistants is a blender. And what a shame when this compact, but diverse device stops functioning. Many breakdowns can be fixed by yourself at home, the main thing is to know the reason why the blender does not work.

Blender: what is it?

First you need to understand what a blender is. If you simply describe the device, then this engine with nozzle (immersion blender) or with a bowl (stationary). The device is very easy to use, it can have a speed controller, several degrees power, a lot of nozzles and other functionality. Basically, a blender is used to grind foods, turn them into mashed potatoes, mush, as well as for the preparation of cocktails. 


Causes of failure and options to eliminate them

The most common problems:

  1. The device does not turn on. If, when turned on, the blender does not make familiar sounds, most likely, its motor or battery has broken. Practice shows that the motor is the weakest link. Long work under heavy load dramatically reduces its resource. In addition, the reason may be hiding in a weak voltage of the electrical network or an internal break in the power cable.
  2. Speed ​​switch does not work. The fault is most often hidden in the wire or control circuit of the blender. If the wire has come off or broke, then this problem can be easily eliminated. In the event of a malfunction of the control system, it is better to contact the service, since the problem may be caused by damage to the board. For her repair requires special knowledge and tools. But most often this repair is comparable in price to the cost of a new, inexpensive device. Easier to buy a new blender.
  3. Nozzle does not rotate well or does not rotate at all. This fault indicates that the bowl is full. It is necessary to release it and load products in small portions.In case the nozzle often sticks, cleaning the knives and lubricating them with mineral oil will help.
  4. Broke the knife. This problem occurs most often, it occurs after prolonged use of the device. Repairing a broken knife is impossible, but in most models it is possible to replace it with new grinders, which are sold in almost every company store (for more information on replacing the knife, see the articlewhat to do if the blender broke).

 Blender repair

Note! In low-end blender models, the knife can often be idled, for no apparent reason for a malfunction.

Do not worry, adding a little water in the bowl with grinding products, you can solve this problem. For example, this can be done by chopping cabbage and other vegetables with a similar structure.

When should I contact the master

There are such failures of the blender, for which correction at least minimal knowledge of home appliances repair is necessary. For example, if the engine breaks down, the plug malfunctions, as well as a break in the cord, it is necessary to open the device.It is not recommended to undertake this without experience and basic knowledge in this area, it is better to contact a specialized center.

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