Types of coffee makers for home use

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such a drink as coffee. For some, it is a means to quickly wake up, for others - a ritual. You won't surprise anyone with instant coffee, because any drink connoisseur has a coffee maker in his kitchen. Those who are just going to buy it and want to find out what types of coffee makers exist on the market should read this publication.


The following types of coffee machines are available:

  1. The most simple, drip models.
  2. Sophisticated devices of the carob type.
  3. Capsule machines.
  4. Geyser models.
  5. Electric Turks.
  6. Combined options.

The choice of the type of future coffee machines largely depends on what kind of drink you prefer. Each of these devices has its own advantages, disadvantages and features.

Drip type coffee makers

These models are the simplest of those that are on the market today. The principle of their work is quite simple. You pour water into a special compartment in which it is heated, and then condenses. Hot drops fall on poured coffee and pass through it, falling straight into your cup.

To make one small cup of medium strong coffee, you will need to pour in 3 teaspoons of powder.

 Drip coffee maker

In order to choose such a coffee maker, you must consider the following parameters:

  1. The presence of a plastic or glass vessel. Models with plastic jugs are cheaper, but glass does not give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. Filter material. There are paper, metal and nylon options. Metal does not have to change, however, it gives the drink an unpleasant taste and leaves a coffee residue. Paper and at all disposable. Nylon filter is designed for the preparation of 60 cups.
  3. Water filter. This feature is only important if you use tap water.
  4. The importance of power for coffee machines is greatly exaggerated.It depends only on the speed of preparation of the drink.
  5. The presence of a droplet control system that allows you to stop the machine at any time.
  6. Volume It all depends on how many people in your family will use it.
  7. The presence or absence of additional functions.

Carob type coffee makers

Drinks that are prepared in this machine are made on the basis of milk. So you should not overpay and buy an expensive device if you drink black coffee. The principle of its work is based on steam pressure. There are the following types of espresso coffee makers:

  1. Steam-based coffee makers.
  2. Pump action models.

This coffee machine is designed for only a few cups, but it doesn’t take much time to prepare them.

 Rozhkovaya coffee maker

If you decide to buy such a device home, then you need to know the following:

  1. Horns for the device are made of metal or plastic. It is best to choose the first option, since the taste of coffee from it is much better.
  2. From what level of pressure will be in your car, depends not only the speed of preparation of the drink, but also its strength.
  3. But power only affects speed, so this is not the most important indicator.
  4. How many cups at a time you can cook depends on the volume.
  5. Existence of function for foam beating. It is necessary for those who prefer to drink cappuccino.
  6. The presence or absence of the ability to use pods.
  7. Additional gadgets that depend only on your wishes.

Pods is a disposable bag of coffee that is in special packaging. Its main advantage is that after use it is not necessary to wash the machine from the coffee powder.

Capsule Coffee Makers

This is the most expensive machine, but also fully automatic. All you need to do is drop the capsule into the car and click on “start”. There are two types of capsule machines:

  1. The devices calculated on preparation of several options of drink.
  2. Devices that can make dozens of different types of coffee.

When choosing a capsule machine, it is important to consider whether you are purchasing it for your home, or is it an office machine. From this will depend on the type, volume and cost of the device.

 Capsule Coffee Machine

When buying a capsule type coffee maker, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  1. Choosing between plastic and metal model, you choose the life of your car.
  2. From the power declared in the passport, depends not only the speed of the equipment, but also the taste of the resulting product. It is known that the less brewed coffee, the tastier the drink turns out.
  3. Do not select models that indicate low pump pressure. This will negatively affect the taste.
  4. In capsule machines it is important to consider the level of noise produced.
  5. Volume of coffee maker.

Geyser types

The name of the device reflects the whole process of its work. When boiling water forms steam that passes through the coffee mass. Existing types of geyzernoy coffee makers are divided:

  1. For those that work on the network.
  2. On manual, which must be used on the stove.

Today, most of the population prefers to use electrical appliances, but there are connoisseurs who like not only the taste of the drink, but also the process of its preparation.

 Geyser coffee maker

When choosing a geyser-type coffee machine, the following criteria should be considered:

  1. The volume calculated from how many people will use the machine.
  2. The power of the device, which is proportional to its volume.
  3. The quality of the machine, which is affected by the material from which it is made.
  4. Additional functionality.

Electric Turks

This device is designed specifically for those who like the taste of coffee from the Turks, but there is no possibility of its preparation. There are various kinds of coffee makers, but this model is best suited for use at home.

By and large, the device works on the principle of an electric kettle. Only in this case, a Turk is installed on the heating element, and not a container with water.

 Electric Turk

Choosing an electric Turk, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. The optimal power of the device should be within 700 - 800 watts.
  2. An automatic shutdown function that will save you from standing above the device.
  3. Material of which the heating element is made. It is better to choose stainless steel.

Combined models

Combined coffee machines are a combination of several types in one. To meet such a device at home is a rarity. But in a cafe or bar, they are used very often. If you decide to purchase such a coffee monster home, then pay attention to the following parameters when buying:

  1. It is important to choose powerful machines, it affects the speed of preparation of the drink, and its taste.
  2. For the preparation of many varieties of coffee is important to choose the right steam pressure.
  3. You need to know that coffee is prepared at a temperature of about 95 degrees, so check this point when you buy.
  4. Built-in coffee grinder.
  5. The volume of containers.
  6. Cappuccino function.

 Combined coffee machines

It should be understood that the coffee machine and coffee maker are slightly different devices. Each of them has pros and cons. It has its own characteristics and its purpose.

Coffeemaker: Pros and Cons

Coffee makers are designed to make black coffee directly. They have several advantages:

  1. This is a fairly simple machine, due to which more reliable. And in the event of a breakdown, they simply enough to repair.
  2. The budget option to get a delicious drink.
  3. Large selection of models.
  4. Do not take up much space.
  5. Have a nice look.

Speaking about the cost of the device, note that you have to buy and consumables, and change some of its parts, such as a filter.

Among the shortcomings should be noted:

  1. Making coffee is not a fully automated process.
  2. It is difficult to regulate the strength of coffee.
  3. Some models require special grinding of grains.
  4. It is usually used for only one type of coffee.

Coffee Machines: Pros and Cons

For those who can not make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of coffee machines:

  1. Fully automatic process.
  2. Existence of the built-in coffee grinder.
  3. The ability to track the stages of cooking.
  4. Ability to independently adjust the settings.

There are also disadvantages that are important to consider:

  1. The cost of the device.
  2. Take up a lot of space.
  3. High noise.
  4. Difficulty in care.


When choosing a coffee maker, you need to decide whether you want a coffee maker or whether you need a coffee machine. For those who drink only black coffee, it does not make sense to overpay for expensive equipment that you will not use at 10 percent.

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Continuing the theme:

The best coffee machines for the home: 2017 rating, optimal price and quality of the goods. Consideration and comparison of characteristics, cost and reliability. A brief presentation of the brand, the ratio of advantages and disadvantages.

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