Use the food processor correctly

Using modern food processors has become much more convenient than their predecessors. The devices are compact and ergonomic, have an intuitive interface, simple operation. About how to use the food processor user informs the attached manual. Difficulties in use arise from the multitasking of machines and incomplete information in the instruction manual. When there is a need to produce several different operations alternately or one with repeated repetitions - the device can be harmed. Before you start creating a culinary masterpiece, you should take note of the basic rules for handling appliances.

 Food processor in the kitchen


Use of equipment as intended

Each machine, depending on the functionality, contains various removable knives, graters, beaters and other nozzles. Even if the passport does not contain a detailed description of them, this does not mean that they are all interchangeable. In reality, each knife or blade is designed to certain tasks. For example, sharp blades should be used to grind hard ingredients, and blunt for soft, and it is easy for them to mix food or drinks. It is not difficult to guess that chopping vegetables or nuts with a blunt knife will put additional pressure on the motor.

The car is easy to disable if it is regularly overloaded, especially with low-power models up to 500 watts. You should not save time on the preliminary preparation of certain ingredients. In the process of processing a large number of products it is necessary to make regular pauses. Such specific information must necessarily be reflected in the passport, if it is not found - refer to the network and find instructions for a similar / related model of the same brand.

Conventionally, a 30-second break is made for every 3 to 7 minutes. The higher the power, the longer the interval between pauses.

 Cutting vegetables in a combine

Special attention deserves meat processing:

  • poultry is processed at low speed, so as not to turn the stuffing into mush;
  • beef is smoked at medium speed;
  • lamb or pork is tougher, the processing of this meat will require high speed and more power;
  • for soft fish fillets use the “Pulse” button.

It is logical that the processing of hard products at low speeds will also lead to an excessive load on the motor of the device, which is then fraught with breakage. Especially it concerns European technologywhich does not tolerate violations of the instruction manual. Impeccable quality and considerable value does not mean that the resource of the machine is unlimited.

Installation of working bodies

A food processor is a fairly simple device in terms of design. The equipment is easily removed and installed, depending on the upcoming work. During the processing of ingredients, the user changes the work tool countless times. As a result, a regular load is placed on the attachment points - this must be borne in mind.

 Combine Tips

Usually, correct installation is followed. characteristic click and does not require significant effort.To ensure that the mount does not fail prematurely, and the attachments “do not stick”, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • replacement of all working bodies should be smooth, without sudden movements;
  • do not exert extra effort when changing equipment;
  • purchase only suitable accessories, it is not recommended to “fit” them for mounting or make them yourself;
  • Keep all knives, beaters and blades clean and dry in designated areas.

Food processor service

Proper and timely maintenance of household appliances - the key to saving the resources of its work. The main thing with regard to food processors - they must be kept clean. Conveniently, if all the nozzles are allowed to wash in the dishwasher: high temperatures and good detergents will completely remove food residue.

When the manufacturer does not allow machine washing, do not neglect the ban. In a hostile environment, the deformation of various parts is not excluded.

Each time after using the combine, it is necessary to rinse all the nozzles, parts and accessories with special detergents, and wipe dry.Regular cleaning will prolong the life of plastic elements, will prevent the blunting of sharp blades. It will not be superfluous to wash the components before using the device.

To prevent the liquid from getting inside the machine, and small debris does not accumulate, the housing must wipe with a damp cloth at least once a week. Even if the device is not used, dust may collect on it.

 Combine storage

We read the instructions

A banal fact, but the instructions for using a food processor must be read in full. Far from everyone does this and, as a rule, after the first breakdown. First of all, it contains a description of the machine and its controls, but not only this will be useful. Proceeding from practice, a passport is not required for mastering the interface - to understand the management of modern household devices is not a problem.

Documentation usually contains list of common breakdowns and recommendations for their elimination. It can also provide useful information about the maintenance of the device, recommendations and operational requirements.

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