How to choose a manual citrus juicer

Citrus fruits contain a huge amount of useful vitamins, and therefore it is so pleasant sometimes to pamper yourself with freshly squeezed juice. Electric devices for squeezing the juice are not always convenient, especially in the country, besides, they cost decently. That is why many housewives have a question about whether to buy a manual citrus juicer, what kinds are and which model to give preference.


Manual juicers are good in that they retain in the juice all the useful elements contained in citrus fruits. These devices are of several types:

Citrus cone-shaped juicer is a special cone-shaped nozzle with notches and slots on it.To use it, the fruit is cut in half, placed on the cone with pulp and turned. Fresh juice along with the pulp through the slits flows into a substituted glass or into a special container available to such a device.

 Citrus Cone Juicer

Press the unit is a combination of a similar nozzle and a special cover. The fruit must also be cut in half and planted on a convex element. Then you need to press the lever, and the lid, pressing on the fruit, will help squeeze the juice. In this case, it is not necessary to put a lot of effort, since the device operates on the principle of a lever. In addition, the juice is squeezed out the maximum amount, that is, the cake and peel remain almost dry.

 Press model

Screw The device operates according to the principle of the Soviet mechanical meat grinder. It is necessary to put fruits in the neck, augers (special screw knives) will grind fruits and push juice through a nozzle. In this case, the least amount of pulp is obtained. But the main advantage of such a device is that it can be used not only for citrus fruits, but also for other fruits. It is perfect as a garden versatile juicer. There are single screw and twin screw, horizontal and vertical models.

 Manual Auger Juicer

Other Juice Devices

If you want to get not a glass of juice, but only to give a spicy touch to salads and sauces with the help of citrus juice, then it does not make sense to acquire a manual juicer for this purpose.

Some are popular specialspray nozzles for lemons and oranges. It is enough to cut a small piece of skin at the base of the fruit, screw the nozzle into the fruit and, using the spray principle, press the button to spray fresh juice. There are two types of devices: smaller - for lemons and tangerines, a little more - for oranges and grapefruits.

 Special nozzles for lemons and oranges

When squeezing a small portion of juice into a salad, there are often problems with the fact that the fruit slips out or sometimes gentle housewives simply do not have enough strength. For such a case, they invented a special device that operates according to the principle of pliers. When you press the handle, the blades squeeze the fruit and squeeze the juice.

Existing manufacturers

A wide range of similar units in the domestic market allows you to select a device according to your own goals and material resources. On the shelves are devices produced in the following countries:

  • Germany;
  • Italy;
  • USA;
  • Belgium;
  • China;
  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus.

Of course, foreign instruments look very stylish, but they are usually expensive. China, as always, produces fairly cheap copies, which sometimes can not cause proper confidence. But here is a Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian apparatus, made from cast ironIt looks very impressive and trustworthy. Among the Belarusian models, the Zhuravinka and Sadovaya have proven themselves well; among the Russian ones - Rossoshanka. it centrifugal juicers, which can be used not only for citrus fruits, but also for any other fruits, including hard vegetables.


What type of preference

When choosing garden professional juicer, preference should be given to the screw model. The mechanical device will retain all the beneficial properties of the fruit and will allow you to drink the juice from almost any fruit and vegetables, and not only from citrus fruits.

If you want to drink fresh orange in the morning, it is better to give preference to a cone-shaped juicer for oranges and other citrus fruits.

Of course, if you do not want to make a lot of effort to get a drink, then you can choose the electric extractor, but the personalized version of the manual will allow you to save all the beneficial properties of fresh fruit.

 The use of manual citrus juicer

If you want to have a quality machine and have the opportunity to spend a decent amount on it, you can choose a press. A press-type garden juicer will last a long time and squeeze the juice out of vitamin fruits. Although it is better to give preference to the very model that has a nozzle not only for citrus fruits, but also for processing its own crop, so as not to overpay.

 Belorussian JuicerGarden

Such a device, which retains all the benefits of fresh fruit, will be really useful only if you choose a model according to your own preferences and planned actions with it. It makes no sense to buy an expensive and high-quality unit for a pair of glasses of fresh fruit, but in the case of a special love for vitamin C, it is better not to skimp on an intelligent device.

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Continuing the theme:

Ten best juicers according to home appliance buyers. Rating juicers with a detailed description of the technical features, advantages and disadvantages. Screw and centrifugal juicers.

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