Why did the refrigerator work loudly

The situation when the refrigerator is working loudly can not only deliver a certain discomfort to a person, but also affect the performance of the product.

A refrigerator is an indispensable device, without which it is almost impossible to imagine modern life. Its use gives a person many advantages, allowing you to extend the shelf life of products and giving the opportunity to save them for a long time. It has a rather complicated technical structure and requires periodic prophylaxis. On this basis, as a result of the operation of the device, various difficulties may arise that can lead to the formation of malfunctions.

The design of the device and the possible causes of noise

Not every refrigerator is able to work silently.As for models that have exhausted their technical and functional resources, the rattling and crashing are their constant companions. In turn, modern devices are designed in such a way as to create as little noise as possible, and exceeding a certain sound threshold for them is a deviation from the norm. However, no matter how new and technically prepared the refrigerator is, it is possible that one day its work will begin to be accompanied by an increased emission of noise. No one can be insured against such an outcome, but everyone can try to prevent such a development.

In order to understand the reasons for the formation of rumble and rattling should be, turn your attention to the design of the device, since the answer to the question of why the refrigerator works noisy lies in it. In most cases, the main source of extraneous sounds accompanying the operation of the product is the compressor. It is he who enters the work when the temperature inside the chamber rises, contributing to its decrease.

 Refrigerator compressor

Modern compressors are designed to produce a minimum amount of noise. However, under the influence of some factors, both external and internal, their characteristics may be violated. The main reasons for this process:

  • wrong location;
  • freezing of ice on the walls and on the tubes;
  • shattered compressor shock absorbers.

All these factors can lead to the fact that one day the refrigerator will start to work loudly, delivering discomfort to the person and disrupting the regularity of his life.

At the same time, their untimely elimination can lead to a complete failure of the compressor, which is the most negative consequence and requires a full, expensive repair or complete replacement of the refrigerator.

Why the refrigerator became noisy to work: the characteristics of the causes and their elimination

If the refrigerator began to work loudly, then the reason for this phenomenon should be sought immediately, since such manifestations can mean both serious problems with the motor and minor defects that can be quickly corrected.

Incorrect arrangement of the refrigerator may be one of the reasons for its rattling and noise.

This phenomenon is explained very simply - as a result of a skew, an increased load is placed on the compressor, which leads to an enhanced operation of the device and its further overload.

 Noise in the fridge

In this case, correct the situation will help the correct exposure of all the legs of the refrigerator. Its normal location is considered to be a level setting or a slight backward slope. These two positions are optimal and provide the full functionality of the device. In turn, the appearance of skewing increases the load on the cooling system, forcing it to work in an enhanced mode. This is especially true of devices that have two motors in their construction, which have to constantly work, creating extra noise and vibration.

Another cause of increased noise is ice icing on the walls of the refrigerator or its cooling parts. This factor also does not allow the compressor to fully relax, forcing him to constantly work. In addition, the uneven freezing of ice can affect the weight distribution of the device, resulting in increased vibration. It is because of her that the refrigerator begins to jump, sway and make noise, delivering severe discomfort. Such a state may also be the cause of his complete failure at work, which is the most negative outcome.

 Ice in the fridge

From time to time it is necessary to carry out preventive defrosting of the refrigerator, during which there is a possibility not only to get rid of annoying ice, but also to wash all the shelves and surfaces, making them clean and tidy.

If the compressor’s shock absorbers or its fasteners are loose, the entire refrigerator may become noisier. It also adds increased vibration and a kind of metallic clank, which is the easiest to diagnose this particular problem. To ensure smooth and soft operation of the entire device, special fixing parts are provided in its design that dampen the vibration of the motor. In some cases, these parts may become loose, ceasing to perform their basic functions. As a result of this, when turned on, the refrigerator starts to make a lot of noise and sway. In turn, getting rid of this problem is quite simple - you just need to tighten the bolts that fix the shock absorbers, thereby eliminating all negative manifestations.

Conclusion on the topic

The situation when the refrigerator starts to work noisy, is quite common.Eliminate a similar problem can be on their own and make it quite simple through preventive maintenance. In turn, ignoring them can lead to a breakdown of the refrigerator and the need for its expensive repair.

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