Single or double compressor: what’s better

It’s hard for people without technical education to understand which refrigerator is better: one-compressor or two-compressor. Immediately it should be noted that a clear answer will not be possible. And in order to understand and decide on the best option for yourself, you should be familiar with the specific advantages and disadvantages of both types of equipment.

Pros and cons of single-compressor refrigerators

A single compressor unit is often a refrigerator with a total volume of 100 liters with a small freezer or without it. One compressor of the refrigerator is enough to ensure stable and trouble-free operation of the cooling system. This option provides for setting the temperature at the same time for both the freezer and the general cooling chamber.

 Single-compressor refrigerator

Single-compressor type often does not provide for a separate shutdown of the freezer and general refrigeration department. That is, if, for example, for the period of a long trip or for cleaning it will be necessary to turn off one of the compartments, you will have to turn off the unit completely. It is impossible to consider this property as a minus, since there is also economic expediency.

However, some models of single-compressor refrigerators have a special solenoid valve, through which it is possible to regulate the circulation of the refrigerant. The function of this component is to ensure that the refrigerant access to the evaporator of the refrigeration compartment is blocked, as a result of which the cooling stops, but the freezer compartment continues to work.

Regardless of the type of refrigerator with one compressor, no such unit can disconnect the freezer compartment separately from the refrigerator compartment.

 Fridge freezer

Advantages and disadvantages of two-compressor refrigerators

Choosing which refrigerator to buy: with one or several compressors, you don’t need to spend a lot of time on comparison.The buyer will be provided with the distinctive characteristics of various models that he will be interested in in the store, but in any case he will have to face a rather big cost. To correlate quality and cost is not easy if you do not become familiar with the main distinguishing characteristics.

An additional compressor provides an increase in the speed of the freezing function, while allowing an increase in the overall dimensions of both the freezer and the refrigeration compartments. This factor can cause both purchases and abandonment of it due to the redundancy of such equipment for one family. Often for the home is enough and the traditional model, coping with its main tasks of storing food.

 Two-compressor refrigerator

Since the pros and cons of single-compressor units have already been presented above, it is advisable to become familiar with similar factors of refrigerators with two compressors. So, the advantages of this technique include the following:

  1. Due to the presence in each compartment, in the freezer and refrigeration, of a separate compressor, the load is distributed to two systems, which ensures faster product freezing.
  2. If necessary, you can turn off any department separately. This feature is especially useful in case of a long trip or, if necessary, to defrost the main compartment.
  3. When frozen, individual compressors receive a smaller load.
  4. The failure of one compressor does not affect the operation of the other.

In addition to the positive aspects, as well as any type of technology, two-compressor refrigerators have some disadvantages:

  1. Consume more electricity. But this minus sometimes allows you to correct a properly selected climate class refrigerator, its location, etc.
  2. The operation of two compressors provides more noise, although it is mainly the compressors themselves that influence this.
  3. In comparison with the one-compressor type, the two-compressor is somewhat more expensive.

 Refrigerator in the kitchen interior

Which is better?

What is better after all the refrigerator and how not to make the wrong choice? For this it is useful to make a list of needs. Without a detailed list, there is a risk of overpaying for the newest model, which in fact cannot boast of any necessary dignity. To avoid this, it is recommended for yourself to answer the question, how much food will need to be stored in the refrigerator?

A model with two compressors will not justify the money spent if you want to buy an impressive unit “in reserve”, but in fact store some products in it. If we calculate, on average, due to the separate cooling of the chambers, the savings will be imperceptible (up to 50 rubles). Thus, in the near future to recapture the money spent on the second compressor will not succeed.

Two compressors are useful if the refrigerator is designed to store large quantities of food. Under such circumstances, this type will perform its tasks well, and moreover economically.

This is explained by the fact that the overloaded freezer will increase the power of work, thereby accelerating the wear of equipment, increasing power consumption and increasing noise. And thanks to the separate compartments, the cold will be saved, which means that the nodes will not have to work at full capacity.

Summing up, I would like to note that with proper operation (which mainly determines the chosen climate class of the refrigerator, location, product location and door opening frequency), a two-compressor refrigerator will work much more economically and more efficiently,rather than a unit with one compressor.

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