Overview of the humidifier installed on the battery heating

An insufficient level of humidity in a room where a person is regularly located may adversely affect his well-being. In addition to harm to humans, the lack of moisture affects the condition of plants, and the quality of furniture surfaces, in paintings, collectibles and other interior items. Artificial humidification is the only way to achieve normalization of the microclimate. You can use one of the options of stationary devices, and you can get by with the model that is installed on the battery. A humidifier on a battery is an inexpensive and fairly effective way of dealing with dry air.

Principle of operation

Everybody else from the school curriculum is aware that under the influence of hot temperatures, water tends to evaporate.The principle of operation of humidifiers, which are located on heating devices, is based precisely on this physical phenomenon. The capacity from 250 to 450 ml, filled with water, is hung up on the battery. After a short period of time, the water becomes very hot, and the evaporation process starts. The structure of most structures involves the separation of water tanks into several compartments, this contributes to an increase in the intensity of evaporation. If the room is more than 10 square meters, then one device is clearly not enough, you need to purchase 2-3 or more.

 Air humidifiers on the battery

Types of humidifiers

Depending on the material from which the device is made, it can be:

  • plastic;
  • ceramic;
  • steel.

Plastic Models are the most simple and inexpensive. They are made from heat-resistant plastic and can be of various sizes. They are located on a heating radiator, either horizontally or vertically. Among this type of humidifier there are models with a container divided into several parts with the help of partitions. Thanks to this separation, the water heats up much faster, and hence the evaporation process is accelerated.Do not buy devices made of cheap plastic, because they absolutely can not be used if the battery heats up to temperatures above 80C.

 Plastic humidifiers on the battery

Ceramic Moisturizers the most popular and “correct” from an environmental point of view. Most models are equipped with hooks for hanging on the heating battery, and there are devices that are attached with mounting tape. Such moisturizers are easy to use and quite effective.

As a rule, it is required to install 2-3 such devices on one radiator, since individually they will have a small area for evaporating.

 Ceramic Battery Humidifiers

In addition, ceramics have a spectacular appearance, and by selecting the device in accordance with the design of the room, you can significantly decorate it.

Types of ceramic humidifiers by manufacturer:

  1. Most ceramic humidifiers come to us. from China. Their cost varies from 350 to 550 rubles, and the volume - 350-400 ml. In principle, Chinese devices are of sufficient quality, but not always convenient to use. So, for example, in order to add water, you need to completely remove the humidifier, if you top up with water, the water will be spilled by.
     Battery Humidifiers Chinese
  2. Domestic products In this segment, unfortunately, not very pleased with its quality. Firstly, the small volume of devices produced is insufficient to isolate the required evaporation, secondly, the savings on all the component parts, of course, makes the model inexpensive, but, in fact, useless. More often, such humidifiers are purchased solely for the purpose of decorating the battery.
     Air humidifiers on the battery Russian
  3. A special category is created by representatives Italian and Spanish manufacturers. In our market, this segment is poorly represented; therefore, if necessary, such devices are supplied on order directly from these countries. How much such an acquisition would be expedient in terms of the economic and functional component is up to you.
     Air humidifiers on the battery Italian

Steel appliances rarely used. They are not too aesthetic in design, the range is not happy with the variety, and in terms of quality characteristics they are inferior to ceramic options.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of humidifiers on the battery in comparison with traditional stand-alone models are the following:

  1. The universality allowing to fix the device on absolutely any model of a radiator.
  2. Profitability - the small price and zero costs on the consumed electric power make this option very attractive.
  3. No noise at work.
  4. The temperature of vaporized steam is absolutely safe for the whole environment.
  5. Compactness and unpretentiousness to the quality of the poured water.
  6. Long service life.
  7. Can be used as an inhaler.
  8. It can become an integral part of the interior and an interesting design find for its revitalization.

As you can see, the advantages of the sea, however, it should be recognized that by the most important indicator - the efficiency of air humidification, the device, as a rule, is significantly inferior to its counterparts in the group of steam and ultrasound models. In particular, if we are talking about large rooms in which the area of ​​the evaporating surface will not be sufficient for an effective result. In addition, in the months of the end of the heating season, when the steam heating stops, such devices lose their meaning and do only decorative function.

How to make a humidifier yourself

The simplest version of the humidifier on the battery,absolutely identical to the principle of its work with factory plastic or ceramic, it can be done independently.

For this you will need any heat resistant container (ceramic vase or plastic bottle, of course, the first one will look more impressive). Capacity needs to be fixed with wire or durable fabric, again, it is desirable to do this as aesthetically as possible. Next, fasten the evaporator - a piece of matter or gauze, one end of which is lowered into the prepared container with water, and the second is placed on the battery. That's all. Water will feed the matter and evaporate due to contact with the heater.


A humidifier on the battery is the easiest way to make the air in the room more humid. Naturally, it cannot compete with difficult climatic systems, but under certain circumstances it can become a successful and economical choice in those cases when you are not ready to allocate a substantial amount from your budget for the purchase of expensive vehicles.

You can buy such a device at least purely in order to check its functionality and make sure that it is suitable or, on the contrary, does not suit you. The maximum that you lose at the same time is several hundred rubles.You can save on this by trying to make a humidifier yourself. Showing a little imagination and ingenuity, you can create a truly unique object that will not only help to cope with excessive dryness of the air, but also bring a “zest” to the interior of your home.

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Continuing the theme:

Rating of the best models of air humidifiers for 2017. Comparison of the main characteristics. Highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of humidifiers in different price groups.

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