Headphone cleaning rules

When purchasing a headset for a phone, I want it to last a long time and provide quality work. During operation, headphones tend to get dirty, which can affect the transmission of the audio signal. These are mainly dust and particles of skin tissue. Considering the influence of earwax, pollution is not separated by ordinary blowing, as they have a sticky basis. Consider how you can clean the headphones without damaging the technical device.

 Phone with headphones

How to clean different types of headphones

You should choose the correct method depending on the materials used in the headset. Some items can be washed using water or detergent, while others are allowed only dry cleaning. So, consider how to clean headphones, given their features.


Vacuum headphones can last for a long time if cleaned regularly. This is especially true of white headphones, as dirt greatly spoil the appearance. The best way to clean the wire is nail polish remover. Rubber nozzles are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. The mesh must be immersed no more than 5 mm in hydrogen peroxide. The procedure can be performed several times until the foaming reaction stops. After the manipulations, the parts should be laid out on a paper towel until completely dry.

If the cause of poor sound quality was pollution, then after cleaning the device will look and sound like new.

 Headphones, cotton swabs and liquids


Intra channel

Intra channel elements are washed with ordinary soap solution. For these purposes, you need a soft cloth, with which you can wipe the nozzles and a toothbrush, allowing you to clean hard-to-reach places. At the end of the procedure, it is fashionable to dry the headphones with a hairdryer.


Full-size overhead headphones are equipped with soft ear cushions, which are not desirable to expose to moisture, as they may lose shape. Definitely not washable. Suitable for cleansing vacuum cleaner or clothes brush with roller on sticky basis.

 Overhead headphones

Apple EarPods

Headset from iPhone EarPods is the best for Apple technology, so it is very popular among users. EarPods Apple 5 is not only a clear sound, but also an active bass. The headset comes with no removable nozzles and requires, one might say, jewelry cleaning. To separate the dirt particles from the mesh, toothpick or dry toothbrush. It is important to do everything very carefully, without pressure, otherwise pollution can be pressed inwards and the membrane can be deformed. Smaller specks of dust are blown through. Body and wires can be wiped off wet alcohol wipe. Alcohol will help wash away the dirt and allow moisture to evaporate instantly.

Depending on the type of headset, the most gentle, but effective method of cleansing from dirt is chosen. It is especially offensive when an expensive headset fails, for example, as in the bundle of 5 iPhones. Therefore, cleaning headphones apple should be correct and carried out regularly.

Following the recommendations of how to clean apple earpods headphones, you can extend their life, at least for the period of using the iPhone.

 Apple EarPods cleaning with a toothpick

Headphone Tips

Since the headphones have direct contact with the human body, their hygiene plays an important role. Dirty headphones can be a source not only of bad sound, but also of various inflammations of the ear canal caused by bacteria that actively reproduce in a dirty environment.

  1. If the first sound interference appeared, do not wait for further deterioration, but immediately make a gentle cleaning. At the stage of low pollution, you can do with an ear stick and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Observing personal hygiene, it is better to handle the headset part of the auricle with each change of user. Often, several family members use the same device, which often clogs it.
  3. You need to clean not only the headphones, but also the ear itself from the accumulation of sulfur deposits. This should be done regularly, and how often it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Regular care will be able to maintain an aesthetic look for the entire period of operation of the headset, and will not create discomfort to the ears when playing sound. Extraneous noise, different volume of the left and right headphones negatively affect the perception and cause irritation.

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