The secrets of operating an electric sandwich maker

Hot sandwiches for many Russians have become a favorite breakfast dish. And such a home appliance as an electric sandwich maker is increasingly appearing in home kitchens. After all, only in a sandwich maker (the second more common name of the apparatus) you can cook delicious and satisfying hot sandwiches without much hassle.

Universal rules for handling electrical appliances

  1. Work surfaces of any model are recommended before cooking. grease with a little oil. This simple technique will prevent the bread from sticking to the surface.
     Oil lubrication
  2. Before cooking in a sandwich maker of the first portion of sandwiches, the device is recommended to warm up.Thus, the heat treatment of sandwiches will be more uniform.
  3. Should closely monitor the consistency of the fillingso that it does not spread out beyond the bread and does not contaminate the frying surface.
     Bread with filling

  4. It is not recommended to use fatty foods in large quantities as a filling. Excess fat under the influence of heat will begin to spread over the surface of the device, which will subsequently complicate cleaning.
  5. On the cover of the device there is light indicator. To open the lid of the device is possible only after a corresponding light signal. Some models of the completion of the cooking process is indicated by an audible signal.
     Light indicator

Some hostesses questioned the first two recommendation points and, breaking them, did not see much difference in the quality of the prepared sandwiches. Therefore, making sandwiches without pre-lubricating the working panels with oil and preheating is also permissible.

How to make a delicious sandwich

The taste and aesthetic qualities of a hot sandwich depend on the variety of bread used for cooking, as well as on the well-chosen filling.

Choosing the right bread

Many pay attention to sandwich and toast portion bread: Sliced ​​bread in a pack is easy to find in the supermarket. There are both import deliveries and sliced ​​bread of domestic producers. Both options are good for making sandwiches.


Not only white wheat bread is sold in a rifled form, but also with bran, whole wheat, rye bread - those varieties of flour products that are recognized by modern medicine as good for health.

If you buy a rifted loaf problematic, fit a traditional loaf of unleavened bread (without the use of yeast), bought in the store or baked on their own. Things are easy - gently cut it into portions.

Filling options

Ingredients for hot sandwiches are categorized into basic fillings and extras. The main fillers can be considered cheese, chopped egg, ham, fish, poultry meat. Additional ingredients add spice to the product: sourness, bitterness, tartness, for example. In one product it is recommended to combine no more than 3-4 x ingredients.

 Sandwich with filling

The fatty element in the sandwich should be only one: either cheese or mayonnaise, for example.

The presence of vegetables is mandatory.This is a leaf of lettuce or greens, a slice of fresh tomato or cucumber. You can use pickled mushrooms, cucumbers, olives. And ingredients such as zucchini, eggplant or bell pepper can be pre-cooked before using as a filling in a sandwich.

Several types of bread sandwiches

The device allows you to experiment and, in addition to traditional bakery-based sandwiches, you can cook many other dishes here.

For example, unusual hot sandwiches from vegetables without bread. These dishes are a great source of vitamins and trace elements. Bread in such sandwiches is replaced by eggplant circles, cucumber halves or red bell peppers. Here are the recipes with the listed ingredients.

  1. WITH cucumber halves well combined slices of lemon and cheese. To prepare a hot dish, you must select medium-sized cucumbers, which are cut in half. Next, remove the pulp from the halves of the vegetable and fill it with stuffing. Other combinations can be used as a filling: cheese and ham or tuna slices with yoghurt sauce.
     Cucumber Sandwich

  2. Large eggplant circles or the middle halves must be baked beforehand, using a grill or oven. We will use them as a basis for a sandwich. As a filling, a combination of pieces of boiled chicken with chopped celery and any sauce is suitable.
  3. Red pepper It goes well with pieces of meat and vegetables. Peppercorns middle cut to cut in half and remove the seeds. Slices of boiled meat or ham, lettuce-lettuce and shredded onions are used as a filling.
     Pepper Sandwich

Prepared semi-finished products are placed in a sandwich maker for a few minutes for toasting. On many culinary websites you can find photos and step-by-step descriptions of other dishes that are easy to prepare in a sandwich maker, as well as master classes by sophisticated chefs in video format.

Rules for cleaning the device after use

Having figured out how to use an electric sandwich maker, you should understand the basic rules of care for the device. General safety requirements states:

  • cleaning is done only after the device disconnected from the network and already cooled off with the lid ajar;
  • do not wash the device under the tap and immerse it in water;
  • when cleaning internal surfaces, it is not possible to use abrasive, highly active agents, to use hard brushes.

To clean out the inner non-stick coated plates, you need to use a wet soft brush.. The body of the apparatus should be wiped with a lint-free cloth.

Comments: 1
Continuing the theme:
Comments: 1
Tarina / Nov 10, 2017 at 11:02

In our family, this is a favorite device. Without it, no breakfast is complete.


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