Who and when invented the microwave

On the basis of electromagnetic waves, not only the microwave works. The same principles of physics are used in telephony and radio communications. The process of work is arranged so that the waves disperse the water molecules, thereby allowing the products to heat up (for more details, see the article how does a microwave oven work). So who invented such an indispensable device today as a microwave oven?

Theory of microwave appearance

Exists two versions how microwaves appeared in our life. It is also interesting that they are not mutually exclusive, which means that both have the right to exist:

  1. In the first embodiment, the invention of the microwave is attributed to the Nazis. During hostilities, spending time on cooking could cost lives. To solve this problem, they came up with such a device.Later, research documents and versions of the first furnaces were received by researchers from large countries, including Russia.
  2. According to the second version, the invention of the microwave oven is attributed to the American engineer Percy Spencer, who proved the impact magnetron on products. Conducting his research, he found that the waves of a certain frequency emit a large amount of heat.
 Percy Spencer - inventor of the microwave

Percy Spencer - inventor of the microwave

Spencer issued a patent for his invention on October 8, 1945. And the first furnace was released in 1947. True, it was used only by the military and only to defrost food.

Spores of scientists and the criticism of microwave ovens

For many years, the widespread use of microwave ovens was questionable. Scientists have argued that under the influence of waves changes the molecular composition of products, which can lead to cancer.

In their evidence, they placed particular emphasis on the fact that the operation of the microwave requires a completely sealed space, and not a tightly closed door, which can adversely affect health.

 First microwaves

Many studies have been conducted, the results of which were very doubtful.However, negative PR is also PR, and official confirmation about the dangers of microwave never arrived. The publications also reported the following information:

  1. Microwave ovens are harmful to children's dishes, as dairy products become toxic when exposed to waves and contribute to the breakdown of the nervous system.
  2. Influencing water molecules, part of the waves remain in them and enter the human body. Experiments on which the experiment was set, hemoglobin fell and cholesterol increased.
  3. Other studies have shown that microwaves do not simply remain in products, but affect the composition and change it. Some experiments have shown that such changes can affect personality degeneration, as evidenced by the increase in the number of white cells in the blood and the violation of proportions in cholesterol values.
  4. In any food that is prepared in microwave devices, cholesterol is formed.

Experiments confirm that the dishes processed in the microwave are not only modified, but also lose useful properties. According to Russian scientists, the level of nutritional value of products drops to 90%.

Defend your citizens!

It is known that for some time the microwave was not just criticized. I wonder why in the USSR were banned microwaves? The answer to this question lies in the research and experiments of Soviet scientists, who concluded that:

  1. Microwaves accelerate the process of decomposition of substances.
  2. Microwaves promote the formation of cancerous compounds in foods. This occurs through the interaction of water molecules and modified proteins.
  3. Metabolism is disturbed, as the products that we consume have an unusual structure.
  4. Changes in products lead to a violation of the protective functions of the body.
  5. There may be problems with the stomach, up to the formation of cancerous tumors.
  6. Cancer cells appear in the blood.
  7. The body ceases to absorb many of the vitamins needed by the digestive system.
  8. The microwave forms a field that adversely affects health.

 Soviet microwaves

Market capture

Despite all the fears and publications, microwaves were actively produced and sold. The American inventor did not doubt the effectiveness of his product, despite the outrage and criticism of scientists.

Here are a few stages that went through the furnace from its inception to today:

  1. The first furnaces were incredibly bulky and reached a height of about 1.8 meters. The device weighed about 1.5 tons, which made it impossible to move the device without help. Their cost was about $ 1,000, which indicated that only very wealthy citizens could afford the microwave.
  2. In the sale of the furnace arrived in 1962.
  3. In 1966, the furnace began to be equipped with the usual rotating stand.
  4. By 1979, the microprocessor controls the furnace.
  5. And in 1999, management began to be made by a microcomputer. Familiar features such as grill and convectionand the stove itself was used not only for heating, but also for cooking.

It is interesting that, despite all the intimidation of the press and scientists, by 1975 the level of microwave sales had exceeded the sale of gas stoves. And in 1976, the popularity of microwaves eclipsed dishwashers.


It remains only to thank Percy Spencer for creating such a miracle of electronics. After all, a modern kitchen is unthinkable without a microwave. Rumors about its harmful effects are greatly exaggerated: everything new and unknown inanyways faced with negative criticism. It is important that today's stoves are safe (subject to operating rules) and simply indispensable in any kitchen.

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