Types and principle of operation of pomegranate juicers

A pomegranate juice extractor serves as an indispensable kitchen attribute for someone who monitors their health and simply loves to fully enjoy the taste of this fruit.

Today, an increasing number of people are switching to the use of natural juices squeezed from whole fruits. This approach makes it possible not only to fully feel their taste, but also to fill the body with vitamins, which are so lacking in the autumn-winter period. At the same time, you can get juice from almost any fruit, both garden and citrus, and even extract it from vegetables. One of the most popular and useful fruits that fill the shelves of our stores in October-November is the pomegranate.

Juicer: the feasibility of using the device and its model

The beneficial properties of pomegranate are widely known and consist in supplying the body with various kinds of vitamin and mineral complexes. Tastes of this fruit are also at a height and provide an opportunity not only to increase the vitality of the body, but also to enjoy this process. We all know what a pomegranate is, a small, dense fruit of bright red or burgundy color, consisting of small grains, interconnected by a special shell. At the same time, the seeds themselves are quite juicy and are a favorite delicacy of many people. However, to prefer and disassemble this fruit is a different concept, since it is sometimes quite difficult to perform the last action.

 Useful properties of pomegranate

An alternative to a long and painful process of separating the kernels from the pulp is the use of pomegranate in the form of fresh juice. Such a decision makes it possible to significantly simplify the process of consuming the fetus, making it more subtle and colorful. However, the question arises of how to separate the juice from the pulp. The answer is to use special devices of various types.

A similar device is a pomegranate juice extractor, which allows you to quickly and accurately perform the necessary actions.

Today there is several variants of juicers, differing in the principle of action and design. They look like this:

  • tame;
  • mechanical;
  • automatic.

Each of the above device options makes it possible to get the maximum amount of juice from one fruit. In this case, the choice of a particular variety is made on the basis of individual preferences and their orientation.

So, manual models will be useful for home use, which implies obtaining 1-2 glasses, and mechanical or electrical can be used on an industrial scale, since they allow to get quite large volumes of juice.

 Universal Juicer

How to get pomegranate juice: varieties of juicers and characteristics

Manual juicers are also known to most of us, because their purpose is to process not only pomegranate, but also practically any fruit, for example, citrus.

The design of such a device is quite simple and consists of two main parts: a container for collecting juice and a dome-shaped nozzle, making it possible to extract it.To get a liquid, you first need to cut the garnet into 2 identical parts, and then lower it onto the nozzle, press down and start turning the fruit. Under the action of friction and pressure, the grains begin to burst, releasing the juice. In this case, the more intense the movement, the more the finished product will turn out. This model is an excellent option for home use, since pushing more than a few glasses in this way is problematic.

 Manual Juicer

Mechanical juicers are more functional devices that allow to get much larger volumes of juice. However, this will also have to apply a certain force. Today, these juicers are of two main types:

The main differences between these models is the principle of operation. In the first embodiment, the desired result is achieved by using a press, and in the second, the juice is extracted using special cutting plates, called augers. At the same time, both types of mechanical juicers imply a certain sequence of actions and the application of muscular strength.Based on this, the pomegranate must first be cut and placed in the container of the device with the skin. Next, take the pen and begin to twist, thereby activating the press or augers. In order to fully process one grenade, just a few twists will suffice, and you just need to throw out the used peel from under it.

 Types of juicers

The most functional and absolutely not requiring the application of any effort are considered electric juicers, allowing to get the juice in automatic mode. They are based on the use of an electric motor that drives the mechanical parts of the device (for more details on the action scheme, see the article device and principle of operation of a modern juicer). Such products can process unlimited quantities of fruits, allowing you to get huge amounts of juice. To do this, cut the fruit into several proportional parts and lower it into the throat of the juicer. In turn, it performs further actions independently, evenly separating the liquid from the pulp.

 Fresh Pomegranate Juice

Conclusion on the topic

Get pomegranate juice at home is quite simple.To do this, just use any of the varieties of juicers that can be purchased at almost every hardware store. In turn, choose the most suitable device for specific needs should be based on its purpose and price aspect. So, for home use the best solution would be to purchase a manual juicer, and for large volumes of juice you will need to buy an electric version.

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Continuing the theme:

Ten best juicers according to home appliance buyers. Rating juicers with a detailed description of the technical features, advantages and disadvantages. Screw and centrifugal juicers.

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