How to learn to exactly cut electric jigsaw

A jigsaw is an electric saw that is an indispensable thing in every home. With this tool you can cut metal structures, wooden objects, plastic and tile. Unlike a standard saw with a jigsaw can be cut out the most intricate shapes - circles, triangles, stars, in general, almost everything that can be imagined. However, with such extensive possibilities, there is often a problem in the even walking of the jigsaw, so that the resulting lines are as planned. How exactly to cut the jigsaw? We will help you figure it out.

Sawing process

In order to get started, it is necessary to carry out preliminary activities and prepare:

  • gloves;
  • protective glasses;
  • machine oil;
  • material that will be processed;
  • clamp, guide roulette;
  • construction pencil;
  • jigsaw itself.

 How to cut a jigsaw exactly

The sawing process is as follows:

  1. Strengthening the source material. In our example, the source material is wood. Harvested wood sample and guide, the role of which can play a regular flat rail, should fit between the two clamps. The sample is placed on a certain elevation, so that the jigsaw could not rest against the cutting process. After that, using a tape measure, you must accurately measure the desired width of the product, which should be obtained, and draw a cutting line with a pencil. Then lay the guide at the desired distance from the line and fasten with clamps. The jigsaw with the guide, delivered by the saw in the direction of the marked line, is also fastened with a clamp. To fix it is necessary well, but not to overdo it. The same is done on the other side.
     Strengthening and marking material

  2. Cut. Turn on the jigsaw and start working. Proper use of the device does not imply excessive pressure on it, which can provoke rapid heating of the product and breakage. It is also not necessary for a long time to use the same file, because it blunts very quickly.If a very hard wood is selected as the starting material, you can pre-lubricate the surface with engine oil. Sawing will be easier to slide, the cut will be smoother, and the jigsaw will last longer.

Some features of the process

Initially, you must select correct file for a jigsaw. A variety of files allows you to choose the option that will correspond to the material of the original workpiece, and the final desired result.

 Jigsaw blades

In general, the jigsaw can be with a pendulum and with the usual course. In the second version, for a smooth cut, the blade needs to be moved clearly vertically, cutting the material upwards. Due to the high speed created, the web wears out more slowly.

When working with the pendulum tool, the principle is essentially the same, only the preferred material for processing is soft wood or plastic, with steel there can be difficulties.

 Jigsaw with pendulum mode

In order to make a direct cut, it is necessary to choose a wide blade, it is better if the jigsaw at the same time will have the function “Soft start”, which will allow you to avoid sudden movements at the initial stage. If you need to cut a round hole, you first need to drill the original version, into which the necessary file is inserted. Cutting itself is carried out by marking. If the original version can not be cut, then you need Mortise cutting method. To do this, the jigsaw bends at an angle until it comes into contact with the material, this allows you to make a through hole, after which you can already make the necessary markings.

If necessary, frequent circular sawing, it is advisable to purchase an additional device, called a circular cutter.

Allowed to cut along the edge of the workpiece, but you need to make sure its initial flatness, without this jigsaw saws crooked. If the edge is uneven, then only the correct marking can correct it.

When working with wood sheets of small thickness there is a risk of chipping. To prevent this, the sheet should be positioned. face down.

For even sawing panels, there are special tools, so-called machines. They can be vertical or horizontal.

 Cutting the table top

The names speak for themselves.In the first case, the panels are installed vertically, the beam mounted on the rails, acts as a bracket. The possibility of its rotation to a right angle allows you to saw off the material in any plane. The horizontal version assumes the presence of a table for sawing, the mechanism itself and a carriage that provides movement of the file along.

Straight cut rules

Thus, in order to make a cut correctly and smoothly, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Carefully choose a file suitable for your source material.
  2. Prepare all the necessary auxiliary items.
  3. Secure the workpiece carefully.
  4. Take into account the correctness of the location of the workpiece, so as not to have to correct the flaws - in some cases, the canvas is located face down.
  5. Work out the instrument control technique with the help of professionals or through training videos.
  6. Carefully observe safety precautions.

In fact, processing products with a jigsaw is not such a difficult task, which any beginner carpenter can do. Even if an even and neat saw cut fails right away, do not despair: you must soberly assess what nuances you may not have noticed.And do not ignore the advice of professionals who can speed up the process of mastering the art, how to saw an electric jigsaw, and discover some secrets. Try and improve!

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