Technical parameters tabletop jigsaw

Desktop jigsaw, in fact, is a tool for professionals, but they can also be used by novice craftsmen. The device differs from its predecessor, a manual jigsaw, in its simplified and accelerated cutting process, in the quality of saw cuts. However, to find the perfect tool, you need to know its features.

A bit of history

The first jigsaws were invented in 1562. To work with such a tool, it was necessary to adjust the saw tension manually, which was extremely inconvenient. The first models were very primitive and consisted only of a saw and frame. Manual models had a frame of two types:

  1. In the form of the letter "P".
  2. In the shape of the letter "U".

 One of the first jigsaws

As for the size, they are very different (and then, and now), depending on their purpose.True, modern tools are trying to produce small size. Even the production tools try not to make unnecessarily cumbersome. There are also mini models with which it is extremely convenient to work.

The main difference between the jigsaw and the saw is that the saw is intended only for straight cutting. With a jigsaw, you can make curly cuts and work at an angle.


The tool can be classified in different ways. First, jigsaws subdivide by appointment:

  1. Home machine is not designed for serious work. You will not be able to cut them with a thick timber, since the power of such a device is very small. But he copes with everyday tasks with a bang, and the cost of a home appliance is not great.
     Jigsaw for home

  2. The professional machine is designed for continuous operation. These are powerful stationary devices that work with any type of material. They cost significantly more.
     Professional jigsaw

  3. A jigsaw production machine is a device from another world. It can work with a huge load up to 20 hours.
     Jigsaw machine

The second way to classify a tool is by type of food. There are wire and battery models.Desktop electric jigsaw works only on the network, which increases its performance.

The third type of classification is the shape of the handle. The jigsaw can be produced with a clip-shaped or mushroom-shaped handle. The first model is held in one hand, which somewhat reduces the quality of the cut. But the mushroom-shaped handle requires holding the device with the second hand. But the accuracy of work in this case is significantly higher.

 Mushroom grip

Mushroom grip jigsaw

Application area

Home desktop jigsaw, as a rule, has fewer features than a professional. With this tool you can perform the following types of work:

  1. Saw any materials, such as wood, metal, gypsum.
  2. Make curly cuts.
  3. Drill holes of different shapes.

Such a device is simply indispensable for repairs and for use in home workshops.

How to make the right choice

When buying a jigsaw, it is important to understand for what purposes it will be used:

  1. Desktop models produce more accurate cuts. They are mounted on a special platform made of steel, plastic or aluminum.
  2. Choosing the handle of the tool, you need to know that a mushroom-shaped handle is better for cutting at an angle.
  3. If you want to purchase a battery machine, then be prepared for the fact that it will have to be charged regularly, and the time will be greatly limited.
  4. New models are equipped with a pendulum mechanism that allows you to work not only in the horizontal but also in the vertical plane.

For household needs will be enough manual jigsaw. Desktop models are designed for precise cuts and figure works.

How to work with a desktop jigsaw

Whether it is a desktop or manual model, the scope of this tool is great. But for quality work, you should follow a number of rules:

  1. Do not press on the tool during operation. This may affect the accuracy of the cut or damage the material.
  2. Different materials are used for different saws. The role is played not only by the strength of the web, but also by its thickness.
  3. If you need to cut a thin cloth, use a backing, it will protect it from damage.
  4. If you work with plastic, then do not set high speed. With the rapid work of the saw material begins to melt.
  5. To drill holes, you must pre-drill a small hole.
  6. In the process, the material must be clearly recorded, otherwise the vibration produced will violate the accuracy.

When working with a jigsaw, it is extremely important to use safety glasses, otherwise flying chips can get into your eyes.


To use a table jigsaw is much more convenient than a manual model. True, the price of such machines is higher than household appliances. As a rule, this technique is used by professional carvers. When choosing a tool, consider where, why and how often you are going to use it.

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