Features and Benefits of Energy Saving Convectors

Convenient and practical energy saving convectors every year they become more and more popular, and this is not surprising at all. These devices, designed for heating residential, industrial and office premises, perfectly fit into any interior, are quite compact and comfortable, and also do not cause any problems during operation. These electronic devices with built-in thermostats are able to maintain an ideal temperature in the room at the right level. Heating with convectors is not only convenient, but also very economical, as confirmed by the numerous owners of such devices.

 Convector in the interior

The principle of operation of the device

Heaters of this type work by means of an air convection system, that is, the flow of cooled air passes through the device from below, then they heat up and gradually rise. Since in the lower part of the device there is a special element responsible for heating, his duties include the fastest possible heating of air, which allows significant savings in energy costs (more on the principle of operation - how does electric convector work). The element itself is steel tubecombined with a radiator and an element that conducts current. Many manufacturers complement their devices with protective sensors, thanks to which the convectors turn off automatically in case of sudden overheating or other unforeseen situations.

 Principle of operation

How does the energy saving option differ from the standard one?

Many have already seen the need to purchase electric convector, the presence of which will be especially important in apartment buildings, where the heating season comes much later than usual. At the same time, buyers are interested in an important question: why is it worth buying the energy-efficient version of such a device? Such convectors are designed for significant energy savings, since they need 5-10% kW less than standard heaters.

In addition, modern innovative devices from well-known manufacturers are equipped with a full range of all the necessary options. They are able to control given temperature conditionAlso, in some models, you can set the desired temperature yourself and control the consumption of electricity. It is also important additional functions, including anti-freezing, automatic blocking and many others. Each user can reduce the temperature of the convector at night and raise it a little during the day if the functionality of the device allows it. Thus, it is possible to warm up the room of any area, and at the same time significantly save money.

 Functions economical convector

Main advantages and disadvantages

Energy-saving convectors of heating could quickly become indispensable devices in many modern houses and apartments, because they have an extensive list of advantages.

All of them, regardless of the brand, are distinguished by high performance: The efficiency of convectors of this type is equal to the maximum value of 97%.

They are also very easy to install, the installation process depends on the type of convector and usually does not take much time, many models can be installed independently without the help of a specialist. It should be noted, and other advantages of such devices, including:

  • long service lifewhich may vary from 10-25 years;
  • high security in the process of use due to the minimum heating of the external surface of the device, which allows you to install them in children's rooms and rooms where there are pets;
  • Availability a large number of programs for heating, the ability to change the temperature, turn off and on cycles;
  • no time spent on heating the element of the coolant, which allows you to warm the air in the room in the shortest possible time and increase the temperature in it;
  • enough low noise during operation of the convector, while in some devices installed thermostatsmaking silent characteristic clicks;
  • a wide range and a huge selection, acceptable design and a large number of different types of devices, which allows you to choose the appropriate option extremely quickly.

Despite the long list of advantages, it is worth remembering that energy-efficient modern electric convectors have their drawbacks, which can be very significant for some buyers. Most models from famous brands are quite expensive, for this reason it will not be so easy to choose an economical option in terms of cost. Some models, due to the type of installation, are difficult to transport and transfer from one place to another; in the process, they can cause some inconvenience.

Often, convectors cause drafts and convection flows, but the presence of these minuses is not able to outweigh the essential advantages of devices.

 Wall convector

Available varieties

Convenient and economical energy-saving convectors are divided into several types, from the available list of options, each customer can choose the most suitable. There are three most popular modifications.

  1. Wall mounted devices mounted on the walls of a house or apartment with strong brackets. Usually they are fixed under the windows or along the walls.
  2. Outdoor devices, supplemented by comfortable legs or wheels,what allows to transfer them to any necessary room without problems. They are very mobile and are particularly popular with customers.
  3. Embedded convectors that are perfect for rooms equipped with panoramic windows. They are mounted in special niches, which are then closed with decorative bars.

Currently on sale are available a huge number of different models that can be made from a variety of materials, as well as match the design and style of almost any interior. Some models complement the front panels of black or clear glass, such options heaters are a good solution for every modern home. There are also water and gas models of convectors.

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