Types and types of humidifiers

More and more users complain about the microclimate in the apartment. It is not always possible to achieve an increase in humidity by opening windows, that is, the natural ventilation of the premises. In addition, many modern heating devices (convectors, heat fans) dry the air strongly, which is why oxygen saturation drops. In such cases, different types of humidifiers come to the rescue.

Devices can be divided into four groups. Home humidifiers are divided into devices for cold humidification (using cold steam), hot humidification (respectively, hot steam), as well as devices that use modern ultrasonic humidification. The last, fourth type (atomizer), which works on the spraying principle, is found mainly in industry, and will be discussed last.

Consider all types of humidifiers in order.

Traditional type humidifiers

Operating principle. The operation of such devices is based on cold evaporation of water (i.e. without thermal heating). Moisturization itself occurs due to the fact that water molecules evaporate (the process of saturation with moisture occurs). The device has a special water tank, from where it enters the pallet, and from there it is redirected to special evaporating appliances (this could be a cartridge, filter, or a disk).

 The principle of operation of the cold evaporation humidifier

The principle of operation of the cold evaporation humidifier

The devices most available at the price work with replaceable paper filters which quickly fail. They have to be changed often. Water in such evaporators rises upwards, gradually filling the expansion chamber with moisture, from which the moisture enters already into the space of the room. In more expensive models, instead of thin paper filters, special plastic discs are used, which accumulate moisture due to the gradual rotation inside the device.Next, a cooler enters the work, which blows the evaporative elements out of the humid air into the room.

Together with humidification, the air in the rooms where such devices work is also cleared (due to the fact that the cooler disperses the air through the filters, which accumulates dust and dirt). This function was adopted by entire climate complexes - models of humidifiers, also called “sinks” of air.

An obvious advantage of traditional type humidifiers is the automatic regulation of humidity levels.

 Air wash

The performance of the device is the lower, the higher the humidity in the room, and, to follow this process (and even more to regulate) is not necessary. This circumstance allows you to save well, since these devices do not need a hygrostat.

Power and performance. If we talk about system performance, it will be equal to 3-9 liters per day. In this case, the consumption of electricity will be only 15-60 W, depending on the power model.

Minuses. First of all, it is the impossibility of using tap water. Best of all, these humidifiers work on distilled water.If you use a regular tap, the cartridge will quickly become clogged with sediment evaporated from water (you will have to change consumables more often). However, there are “softening” cartridges on sale; they easily cope with stiffness, although they are more expensive.

Steam humidifier

Design and principle of operation. In the conditions of polluted air of a large metropolis, for example, Moscow, when the windows remain closed in the summertime so as not to let the smoke into the apartment space, this device may be the optimal solution to the problem of insufficient humidity.

Such devices operate on the principle of an electric kettle, heating the system with a spiral or ceramic plate.

 The principle of operation of the traditional humidifier

The principle of operation of the hot evaporation humidifier

In the process of boiling the water begins to evaporate. When the liquid is completely boiled away, a special relay is triggered, and the device turns off. A feature of this type of device is a higher degree of security requirements. For example, you can turn on the device only if it is assembled, and the electrodes are hidden inside the case in order to avoid accidental contact.Increased fire safety measures make steam humidifiers as reliable as conventional electric kettles with automatic shutdown.

Oxygen humidifier has in its configuration hygrostat (special sensor measuring air humidity). This device turns off the device after the target humidity in the room has been reached. In case this sensor fails, the humidity level in the room may significantly exceed the comfort zone. Also steam humidifiers are completed inhalers. These are special nozzles that allow the device to be used in polyclinics (or at home for therapeutic purposes).

 Steam humidifier with hygrostat

Steam humidifier with hygrostat

Power and performance: from 6 to 17 liters of fluid per day depending on the cost of the model. The power of this type of apparatus is higher than its predecessors, of the order of 200-800W, but the power consumption, respectively, is greater.

Minuses: higher cost (compared to cold steam humidifiers) due to the complexity of the design (additional sensors, ceramic or metal heater).The advantage is faster room moistening due to increased power and intensity of work.

Ultrasonic Freshener-Moisturizer

Operating principle. This type of moisturizer is considered to be the most effective. In it, the liquid from the reservoir enters a special plate that vibrates in the ultrasonic range. With the help of vibration, the water disintegrates into the smallest droplets, mist, which is lightweight and easily lifted into the air with the help of a cooler located inside the case.

Humidifiers with air freshener function can create fog in the room.

 The principle of operation of the ultrasonic humidifier

The principle of operation of the ultrasonic humidifier

In appearance, it may seem that the steam that escapes from the mouth of the device is hot, although in reality it is not. It is cold, wet, and does not represent any harm to the owner.

The advantage of this type of humidifier is high humidity accuracy in a room that is difficult to achieve with traditional models. In addition, the temperature of the steam that comes out of the device is approximately 40 degrees, and this value is the most acceptable. Among the advantages can be noted low noise during operation.

In the package of some models of air fresheners-humidifiers add not only a hygrostat, but also Control Panel (in some cases it may be sensory). There are devices with a remote control, however, all these innovations have a negative impact on the cost of the device itself.

Today there are also decorative models. The design of such devices allows them to be given various forms (for example, an apple-shaped humidifier). It should be noted that a decorative humidifier is most often just an ultrasonic, but there are also traditional devices.

In this type of devices should be poured only distilled water. The volume of fluid used is 6-13 liters per day with a fairly low power consumption of electricity (only 30-60 W).

Atomizer (spray type device)

Adiabatic Humidifier, or Atomizer, Occurs only in industry. The principle of distribution of moisture under pressure through special nozzles allows you to handle fairly large rooms, so the need to use it in the home is eliminated. A drop of mist, trapped in the air from the throat of the atomizer, has a volume of only 3-9 microns.It is completely converted into steam, being at a distance of 20-50 cm from the nozzle working under pressure (right next to its nozzle).

The capacity of the atomizer exceeds all the above listed analogues, and ranges from 50 to 250 liters per hour. This allows you to saturate with moisture the whole workshop or storage room, in case storage requires special conditions.

 Industrial adiabatic air humidifier

Dimensions of the adiabatic oxygen humidifier are small, it is possible to mount it on the wall. The main, and perhaps the only disadvantage is it's price, it is measured in thousands of dollars (depending on additional options packages with which manufacturers can equip their models).

Of the advantages of this type of humidifiers can be noted the possibility of operation year round (both in heat and frost) and relatively low power consumption. Adiabatic devices have ample opportunities for configuration, many options can be installed during the assembly process at the request of the user, whereas in traditional and ultrasonic devices there is no such possibility.


So, we found out what are the humidifiers and how they work.As you can see, the choice (both in price and in terms of operation) is quite wide. The range of prices and opportunities opens up a lot of room for analysis before purchasing. We hope that our article helped to understand the existing diversity.

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Continuing the theme:

Rating of the best models of air humidifiers for 2017. Comparison of the main characteristics. Highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of humidifiers in different price groups.

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